Vero Remediation

We just need you to provide us with a few details to begin the refund process.

This should take no longer than 10 minutes for you to complete.

Refund form

We're putting things right

Part of our customer obsession means delivering on our promises. When we find an error has been happening for a while you can be rest assured that we are putting things right. After extensive analysis we have taken multiple steps to ensure the same mistake won't happen again.

What information we need from you

We need you to set up a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) account and provide us with certain information. This includes:

  • confirming your contact details, and
  • providing your bank account details.

Your refund will be deposited to your nominated bank account, normally in 7 to 10 business days. The deposit will appear in your account with Vero Insurance listed on your statement as the depositing party.

Rest assured knowing we treat your personal information carefully and in accordance with privacy laws.

Next steps

Step 1

Log in to your account

Remember to set-up an MFA account.

Step 2

Add your bank account details

Step 3

Confirm your details

Step 4

Await payment

This can take 7-10 business days.

Frequently asked questions

Welcome to The Suncorp Group of Companies Customer Remediation Portal.

The Suncorp Group comprises of the brands you see here: Suncorp Insurance, AAMI, GIO, APIA, Shannons, Vero Insurance, Bingle, CIL Insurance and Terri Scheer.

We have partnered with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu to develop this portal as a safe and secure way to provide us with your bank details so that we can issue you with a payment, through our remediation process - as referred to in our communication. When you log in, you will see more details about this error and the amount we will pay you.